Realife Christian Youth Camp
I’ve been working with William, the president of the youth camp, on this website since 2015 when they were called Camp Anderson and have been their only web guy ever since. A very respectable man and organization. I’m proud to be part of their team and I’ve watched them double in size with their recent new purchases of Blue Springs and Vero Beach properties. Lots of exciting things to come!
This is another site I cannot claim design rights to. William and his staff are the designers. This is using the Divi theme and bunch of other plugins for all the bling like picture galleries, videos, sliders, PDFs, etc. Tons of picture galleries! Lots of high end professional videos too.
Check out the video background that spans the entire width and length of the page. You don’t see that every day, eh? Not my idea by the way. They also made a significantly resized video for the mobile version so it would span the entire length of the page, which is very long on a phone.
Lots of motion. The header logo is even animated!
FYI: We gave up on page load times a long time ago. With dozens of large picture galleries, videos, sliders, animations, etc, it’s a losing battle. Although the site speed scores are better than you’d expect considering.