Divi Tips

How to make Divi slider image full width

It's crazy how you can't simply put an image into the Divi slider and have it full width. With some custom CSS, you can! In your slider module, in the Advanced/Custom Classes area, add "full-image-slider" to the class field. Add an image to the...

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How to add a collapsible mobile menu in Divi.

A collapsible mobile menu in Divi is something you might think would be standard or at least an option, but is not. The good news is it's easy enough to pull off.In your Appearance / Menu area click the "Screen Options" button in the upper right....

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Reduce the search result page featured image size

Add the following CSS code to the Divi theme options area or your child theme style.css file. [css] /* reduce the search result image size so it doesnt fill screen */ .search-results .entry-featured-image-url img {max-height:300px; width:auto;}...

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Swap Divi columns on mobile and tablet devices

Add the CSS class "flip" to any Divi row settings in the Advanced tab. Add the following CSS code to the Divi theme options area or your child theme style.css file. [css] /* swap columns on mobile */ @media only screen and ( max-width: 980px) {...

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Hide or show WordPress menu items on mobile devices

In Appearance/Menus click on the Screen Options tab at the very top right. In the "Show advanced menu properties" area, check the box next to CSS Classes. Use the either "hide-mobile" or "show-mobile" in the menu class field. NOTE: The max-width is...

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