Divi Tips

Hide Place Order button (on WooCommerce Checkout page) when PayPal payment method (or any other) is chosen

With the latest release of the WooCommerce PayPal Payments module, there have been a lot of complaints. A client's site was not working properly where if someone clicked the Place Order button it showed an error. But, the PayPal buttons below the Place Order button work. So, I found a script and modified it to hide the Place Order button if the PayPal option is chosen.Add the following code to...

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How to make Divi active menu item background color highlight

Make the Divi active menu item background color highlight (like the image below) is something Divi does not have settings for. This can be tricky depending on things like font sizes, number of menu items, sizing, design requirements, etc.Add the following CSS to the Divi Options / Custom CSS (without style tags) or Integration / Head area. TIP: Play around with the padding and margins in the...

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How to make Divi slider image full width

It's crazy how you can't simply put an image into the Divi slider and have it full width. With some custom CSS, you can! In your slider module, in the Advanced/Custom Classes area, add "full-image-slider" to the class field. Add an image to the image field for each slider and save. Add the following CSS to the Divi Options / Custom CSS (without style tags) or Integration / Head area.[css] /*...

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How to add a collapsible mobile menu in Divi.

A collapsible mobile menu in Divi is something you might think would be standard or at least an option, but is not. The good news is it's easy enough to pull off.In your Appearance / Menu area click the "Screen Options" button in the upper right. Make sure CSS Classes is checked. Click the down arrow next to the menu items that have sub-menus. Add "first-level" to the CSS Classes field. Next,...

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How to add a Divi section or module inside another module.

This is one of the greatest Divi tricks ever. It gives you SO much more flexibility. NOTE: Divi.Space has a free plugin but I can't seem to find it on their site. So, here's a link to the plugin zip file for install. It's written better and adds a link to the library in the plugin menu. If you are already using my method, you can install the plugin and then run a search and replace, using the...

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More Divi Cumulative Layout Shift and other GTMetrix and Google Page Speed Tips

While there are many tips in my other post, this one is a bit more simple and more up to date. Do not use negative margins! Anywhere. If you absolutely need to move something, use the positioning tool instead. Make sure you check the tablet and mobile versions as you may need to reset the position for these. Do not use animations! Anywhere. TIP: The Divi blurb module has a default animation you...

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How to make a Divi mega menu using Divi modules without buying a plugin.

There are a few Divi mega menu plugins out there and they work nicely for the most part. But, they can be pricey and some are a bit bulky. Using this method requires 2 things: Install the free "Shortcode in Menus" plugin for adding shortcodes to your menu. Add the function below to your child theme functions.php file. The custom function does 2 things: Allows us to use a shortcode to display a...

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Divi Cumulative Layout Shift and other GTMetrix and Google Page Speed Tips

NOTE: Here is a link to my most recent post More Divi Cumulative Layout Shift and other GTMetrix and Google Page Speed Tips How to improve your Divi website Cumulative Layout Shift scores and other GTMetrix and Google Page Speed scores.While I was working hard on other projects, two of my clients (unrelated) were staring down the new GTMetrix and Google page speed scores and determined to whoop...

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Make the default Divi search box search WooCommerce products only

If you have a Divi/WooCommerce site and you don't have any posts, this is perfect for you. The default Divi search will now search only your products. You can add this to the Divi theme options Integration tab in the head. Or add to a Code module in your global header. This also changes the placeholder text from "Search" to "Search Products". For example when you click on the search icon like...

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Reduce the search result page featured image size

Add the following CSS code to the Divi theme options area or your child theme style.css file. [css] /* reduce the search result image size so it doesnt fill screen */ .search-results .entry-featured-image-url img {max-height:300px; width:auto;} [/css]

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Swap Divi columns on mobile and tablet devices

Add the CSS class "flip" to any Divi row settings in the Advanced tab. Add the following CSS code to the Divi theme options area or your child theme style.css file. [css] /* swap columns on mobile */ @media only screen and ( max-width: 980px) { .flip { display: -webkit-flex; -webkit-flex-direction: column-reverse; display: flex; flex-direction: column-reverse !important; } }...

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Make default Divi header transparent on home page only

Add the following CSS code to the Divi theme options area or your child theme style.css file. [css] /* make top nav bgd transparent on home page only */ .home #main-header, .home #top-header { background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) !important; box-shadow: none !important; } /* make Fixed top nav bgd transparent on home page only */ .home #main-header.et-fixed-header { background-color:...

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Enlarge product image on rollover for Divi Shop module

Add the following CSS code to the Divi theme options area or your child theme style.css file. [css] /* enlarge shop module product images on rollover BEGIN */ .et_shop_image img {transition: transform .2s;} .et_shop_image img:hover {transform: scale(1.25);} /* enlarge shop module product images on rollover END */ [/css]

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